Dentex Fillet
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Dentex fillet, with season vegetable
Dentex fillet, with season vegetable
July 13, 2015
You may use fresh Vlachos? instead of dentex
Do not forget that the fish needs only a little time to cook
- Prep Time 55 Minutes
- Cook Time 60 Minutes
- Total Time 55 Minutes
- Serves 3 People
- Calories 1500 kcal
- 800 g. fillet of fresh dentex
- 4 artichokes, cleaned
- 8 small potatoes, cut in the middle
- 8 medium size tomatoes, cut in four
- 4 medium size carrots, cut in rolls
- 4 stalks of celery, cut
- 2 middle size onions, cut in rolls
- 2 laurel leafs
- 6 grains of black pepper
- 1 stalk of rosemary
- 1 stalk of thyme
- ½ glass of tomato juice
- ½ glass of virgin olive-oil
- 2 small cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
- ½ glass of vegetable juice
- 8 pieces of cress
- Salt
- Pepper
- Springle the dentex fillets with olive oil, salt and pepper.
- In a deep baking pan, heat the olive oil and all the vegetables together to brown.
- Add the vegetable stock, the tomato juice, the thyme, the cress and the rosemary. Allow the mixture to boil for a few minutes.
- Put the vegetables in the baking pan, add the fish on top and put it in a pre-heated oven (170 º) for about 20 minutes.
- Remove the fish and keep it warm. Allow the vegetables in the pan so as to absorb all the broth.
- Serve the vegetables on the plate with the fish on top.