Τα Διατροφικά Οφέλη της Κατανάλωσης Ψαριών από τον Άνθρωπο

Fish is high on the Pyramid of Healthy Eating. It is recommended to eat fish 2-3 times a week. Various studies prove the beneficial effects of eating fish on human health.

This happens because fish as a kind of food contains a high quantity of proteins, vitamins and trace elements. More specifically, fish has very low concentrations in “bad” fat usually found in meat and is the richest source of omega 3 fatty acids, the “good” fat in human diet. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) i.e. omega 3 fatty acids, appear to have important benefits for our health. 
The results of scientific research on the positive effects of fish consumption on our health are the following: Asthma: Children eating fish are less likely to develop asthma, a disease which makes its appearance at an early age. Also studies show that omega 3 can be an important means for the cure of pulmonary diseases, like cystic fibrosis and emphysema. Memory and brain function: Fish rich in omega 3 enhance memory and the proper functioning of the brain, making a positive contribution to an individual’s intelligence and memory. Furthermore, omega 3 plays a dominant and decisive role in the proper development and functioning of neurons and neuron endings of the body even from the embryo stage. Heart Diseases: Eating fish reduces the danger of heart diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, arrhythmia, vascular changes, angina pectoris, cardiac insufficiency and coronary artery disease. At the same time it reduces the danger of stroke and contributes to the decrease of blood clots, improves the elasticity and contraction of arteries and reduces blood pressure (decreases triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol and increases the levels of “good” cholesterol).   Senility: It has been proved that a high consumption of fish and omega 3 fatty acids is leading to a spectacular decrease of memory loss. Old people who eat fish once a week have a lower risk of developing senility, including Alzheimer. Depression: People who follow a balanced diet in fish consumption, have lesser chances of presenting tendencies for depression. (Depression is associated with low levels of omega 3 acids in the brain). Diabetes: Fish in the daily diet of people with diabetes may help in balancing blood-sugar levels. Vision: New born babies, at the breast feeding stage, have better vision, when the mother eats fish, due to the omega 3 fatty acids conveyed to them in their mother’s milk. At the same time omega 3 fatty acids contribute to the health of the retina.         Inflammatory complaints- Frequent consumption of fish may relieve the symptoms and the pains of rheumatoid arthritis, or ulcer and fight inflammation or joints and tissues affected by this disease. Pregnancy- Pregnant and women who breast-feed should eat more fish. In particular the consumption of fatty fish who are rich in omega 3 fatty acids reduces the danger of premature birth and help in the development of the brain and the motor functions of the baby. Cancer– Research has shown that consumption of fish and consequently omega 3 fatty acids has positive results on fighting or delaying the growth of various forms of cancer, like prostate cancer, breast cancer and large intestine cancer. Important Note The above do not constitute in any way medical or dietary advice. The only person responsible for giving you advice is your physician or dietician.

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